Thursday, March 17, 2011


Finally the week is coming an end and I'm finally out of my stress zone. I can't wait to spend a quiet and carefree weekend by myself.(well almost)

Wondering what am I stressing about?

Well, this week started pretty bad. With me skipping Monday classes and spent time doing some reading. Then comes Tuesday and Wednesday, was not that bad, but I was extremely sensitive to almost everything. I get pissed just by anything happening.

Even when the driver in the car in front moves SLOW!

I wonder where all my calmness and patience went.
I should say I failed to handle my stress gracefully. I got back my management review on Wednesday. I was pretty impressed by the amount of attention giving by Mr. Chong. 30 years of experience showed finally.


that didn't stopped me from giving back my feedback on the lecturer feedback form. He failed miserably to engage the students in his lecture.
And I skipped Thursday classes as well.

And now finally, I managed to resolve my conflicts and brought the stress radiation to a safer zone. Still, I need to buffer myself from stressing out too much.

Well, my
University will be having their charity carnival on Saturday. So do come and celebrate with us!Btw, I will be in the coupon and finance booth.( I guess)

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