Friday, December 12, 2008

Duit Bintang

Here, I'm again posting another post in less than 5 hours and this time in starbucks. Well, I'm here suppose to meet thiv, jo and the gang but I need some peaceful time in here sitting and blogging..wee I just have the best mood to blog here..(paying 20 bucks for starbucks works) but it is rather an expensive amount..I could eat a good 3 meal outside in those not so clean hawkers food..but every guy needs his indulgence..whatever crap.

Beautiful disaster..

(1) Wakes up earlier, buff up those muscles and prepare a healthy breakfast. Too bad, I couldn't find time to eat it..

(2) Bathe and went to get clothes to wear, but beautiful disaster..couldn't find any underwear in the drawer..
*ring ring* call my mum

ME: underwear..

MUM : oh..I think it is all in the laundry basket.

ME: zzzzz

p/s- I'm in Starbucks with underwear okay..found a long lost underwear of mine in the box..sighs

(3) Have to get back home and entertaint my relatives who is back home...wee...I get to go out again..

okays..this is total craps..


I'm a total good person lately since God came to me (literally) so since then..I'm an angel..will stop cursing people..(trying my best) and be a little angel..but some people just know the trick to get me pissed what shall I do?

1) can't ignore them cause they are super annoying

2) I call them humans.

3) arghhs...can't give anymore reasons..

total craps again


I actually had something in my mind to blog about but this place is so distracting

ah peks in starbucks talking...and weird slang by the waiter and distraction...why the hell on earth they have to yell to customers that their drinks are ready..why can't they come and serve it..not as if there is hundreds of customers here..damn these malaysians..arghss..

i shall end my post with a vain pic of mine..



Irwin said...

urghss..whatever..alex will miss you..more like we both falling for alex..duix..shud have took a pic of him

Thivya Lakshmy said...

You know wad Irwin? U r like one of the closest guys to me. But sumtimes u just donttell me the truth. Sighs. I dun think i wanna go to starbucks with u anymore :( Anywhere except starbucks would be better. Lol.

Thivya Lakshmy said...
